20th International “New Scientific Outlook” World Congress

The Soil – The Foundation for our Lives – has become Fatally Ill. A Call for Action.
Around the world the soil is in a disastrous condition, caused by industrialization and senseless use of pesticides. Predominantly profit-oriented and short-sighted thinking puts the soil Earth, the most significant foundation for our lives, not only at risk, but to a great extent it has already been lost. You are going to learn of solutions as to how each of us individually and we as a society in general can contribute to the soil’s ability to regenerate and also to produce “real food for life”.
Angelika Lübke-Hildebrandt, MSc, Expert in soil quality, U.R.S. Land Management, United Research for Soil, Peuerbach, Austria

Birth is a God-given Process!
The Caesarian – a Troublemaker through and through.
In the last 20 years the Caesarian section rate in our civilized world has more than doubled. However, it is the mother’s choice of how to give birth that significantly affects the health of the newborn child. In contrast to a natural birth the passing on of vital micro-organisms from mother to child does not occur in a Caesarian section birth. Based on their personal experiences, Harman and Wakeford, accomplished parents both, share with us what happens during a natural birth and how a Caesarian can affect future generations. They tell us what can be done if a Caesarian section is unavoidable!
Toni Harman & Alex Wakeford, filmmakers and producers of the award-winning film “Microbirth”, England

Feeding Antibiotics to Livestock and the Resulting Fatal Consequences.
Twenty-five thousand people in the EU alone die of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant germs each year. The incorrect application of synthetic antibiotics in agriculture has a part in this. These pharmaceuticals enter the groundwater through the animals’ natural excrements and finally land on our plate and in our daily food. This means that antibiotics no longer work for men and animals. How to change this life-threatening practice to lead to a renewed harmony of man, animal and nature will be presented by
Dr. med. vet. Nicole Herout, Centre for Holistic Veterinary Medicine, Lichtenberg, Austria

Vaccination – Myth or Threat?
Vaccinations, based on synthetic formulae, weaken the immune system. Such “recipes” have some serious and irreversible side effects. Many doctors are already aware of this fact and avoid vaccinating themselves or their families completely. Efficacy studies and proof of success are provided mostly by the producer of the products themselves and have to be viewed as entirely subjective. Is it justifiable to exclude non-vaccinated children from school, to keep citizens away from their workplace or even to force people to be vaccinated considering this profound set of problems? A professional demonstration of counterarguments and sound evidence will be presented educationally and in a most professional way by
Daniel Trappitsch, Delegate of the “Impfentscheid” Network Board, Buchs, Switzerland
Invitation letter
Read our European President’s inspiring letter
Start & Finish
Thursday, October 29th, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 1st, 2015
1:00 p.m.
The hotel will be entirely smoke-free for the duration of the Congress!
Maritim Hotel
Basteistraße 40
89073 Ulm, Germany
Hotel and travel information (PDF)
Congress fee
- Individual Registration: € 350
- “65+” (Golden Old‘un): € 260
- Married Couple: € 490
- University / College Students: € 260
- Adolescents / scholars: € 125
Simultaneous into German, Spanish,
Czech and Russian
Do you have any questions?
We are happy to help you!
- Contact form
- contact@naturalscience.org
- +41(41)798-0398
What our participants say
When I attended my first Congress in 2012 I had no idea what to expect. I had been to many conferences before in many countries as part of my university job. My expectations were not very high because I assumed this would be the same kind of conference. Was I completely wrong! This was, without a doubt, the best scientific conference I had ever attended! Here were real answers that work to save lives. I wrote over 20 pages of detailed notes… I could not get enough.Dr. Karl Cox, University of Brighton
The Congress was very exciting and informative. It covered issues of many areas of life. For example one morning the focus was on “Natural Birth” and during another day on the subject of “Soil”– that was very good. The exchange of ideas with the other Congress participants was interesting and enriching, the entire atmosphere was great.Claudia Zweifel
The presentations were fantastic. They dealt with subjects in depth that I have been interested and thought about for years. Especially impressive for me was the amazing openness and worldwide participation–especially of young people, too. This gives me hope for the future. What really touched my heart immediately was the exquisite and lovely decoration and set up of the Congress hall.Hiltrud from Ulm, 80 years
See pictures from the 2014 congress
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