Angelika Lübke-Hildebrandt comes from a family which considered the soil to be the foundation of all things. After her school education in Austria she spent several research years abroad. In California she especially gained insight into the American agricultural industry. Further education in Earth Systems Science and Holistic Science broadened her horizon and gained her access to areas of interest such as compost, humus, ecology, nutrition and sociology.

Dr. Karl Cox, PhD, finished his first studies with a degree in history. After that he taught English in Budapest and Madrid and graduated with a PhD in Computer Science in 2002 from Bournemouth University, UK. Since then he has published over 80 scientific articles in this field. In recent years his main research interests include the genetic manipulation of food. His driving force is his curiosity for Darwinism and genetic computing. He currently lectures at the University of Brighton, UK, in the field of IT.

Toni Harman and Alex Wakeford, UK, documentary film makers, script writers and film producers, started dealing with the subject of “Birth” on film because of their daughter’s birth. They are responsible for films such as “Doula!”(2010), “Freedom for Birth” (2012) and “Microbirth” (2014). Following on from “Microbirth” they are working on their next film project, “A Probiotic Life,” dealing with the human microbiome. The planned release date is in 2016.

Lukas Waldmann received his diploma as a naturopath at the “School for Applied Naturopathy” in Zurich as a secondary education after his training as a farmer. During the last 15 years he has guided countless patients on the path to health and has assisted them in their recovery. The main focus of his therapy is alternative medicine with nutritional supplements, adapted to the patient’s individual needs and health status.

Dr. med. vet. Nicole Herout has been working in veterinary medicine for thirty years. In 1986, she graduated in Vienna as a doctor of veterinary medicine, later broadening her professional spectrum as a Homeopathic Veterinarian in 1997 and 2004 with the IAVC Chiropractic Certificate. She has an extensive knowledge regarding acupuncture and phytotherapy with animals. For many years she has been responsible for holistic care on livestock farms. Dr. Herout has developed certified organic herbal supplementary animal feeds. She also breeds organic free-range chickens and lambs for sales directly from the farm.

Marcel Hofmann After his training as an electrician he graduated from the HSR Rapperswil, St. Gallen, Switzerland, as an electrical engineer, later achieving his “Master of Science in Electrical Engineering” in the field of telecommunications and digital signal processing at the Northeastern University in Boston, USA. His first practical experiences with mobile communications immediately after his studies were with Siemens Switzerland AG, followed by Swisscom Mobile AG and other companies.

Daniel Trappitsch is a trained medical practitioner and was directing a naturopathic school for ten years. Today he runs his own naturopathic practice while he continues to teach at various schools and writes books on naturopathic topics. As a delegate of the Board of the Network “Impfentscheid” in Switzerland and as a father of two adult children, he committed himself to educate the public to be more discerning regarding vaccinations and the individual freedom of choice.

Dr. R. Zac Cox, BDS graduated as a dentist from the Cardiff Dental School, University of Wales, UK, in 1992. His research about the link between the health of oral cavities and physical health aroused his interest in holistic dentistry. As a holistic dentist he combines the knowledge and findings of traditional dentistry with naturopathy and collaborates with experts from various fields.

Prof. Dr. Ton Baars ran a cheese factory and was an educator for farmers during his studies in Biology and Ecology at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. He worked for 25 years at the Louis Bolk Institute in The Netherlands, during which time he built up the Department for Grassland/Forage/Livestock. In 2005 he assumed the world’s first professorship in Bio-Dynamic Farming at the University of Kassel, Germany. He has been a Senior Scientist for Milk Quality and Animal Welfare at the Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) since 2011.

The Very Rev. Dean em. Paul Probst, SF, European President of The World Foundation for Natural Science. He has thirty years experience as a medical practitioner. His additional, extensive training in the field of spiritual sciences and the resulting findings and experiences qualify him to expertly lead our Organism. With this solid and well-balanced foundation, he is also ideally positioned to combine the most important elements of science and religion and educate
people accordingly.