Thursday, November 3rd 2016, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Welcome and Opening Address
Man and Nature in Harmony
Many achievements of human civilisation make life easier and more comfortable. The price of blind faith in progress, technology and industrialisation paired with the simultaneous loss of moral principles and respect towards nature are the “lifestyle diseases” many of which have already reached epidemic dimensions. But does the ‘incurable’ disease really exist? Nature knows practical solutions!

Paul Probst, SF
European President, The World Foundation for Natural Science, Lucerne, Switzerland
Friday, November 4th 2016, 9:00 am to 6:30 pm
Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS)
Healthy gut, healthy human
Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and other learning disabilities, mental illnesses like depression or obsessive-compulsive disorders, autoimmune problems, allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome and many other physical conditions are becoming more and more common. Why? The cause for this is called GAPS (Gut And Psychology Syndrome). Thousands of case studies show how healing becomes possible through common sense and traditional dietary conventions.
Heart attack through “evil fats”?
The true cause of heart attack, arteriosclerosis and hypertension
For the last 40-50 years we have fought against “bad” cholesterol and “evil” fats using every means possible. Yet, people in the Western world are having just as many heart attacks and strokes as before, despite following “heart-healthy” diets. So, are we doing something wrong? What, in fact, is heart disease, what causes it, and what does nutrition have to do with it?

MmedSci(Neurology), MmedSci(Nutrition), Cambridge, England
Glyconutrients – inevitable for proper cell communication!
Glyconutrients are the real sugars, healthy ones! What is more: Glyconutrients are absolutely essential for every cell in our organism. Without them there is no accurate communication and no regulated biochemical reactions between the body’s cells. Only when communication at the cellular level functions unobstructed is our body capable of delivering its self-healing powers and sustaining its own health.
Cholesterol – Friend or Fiend?
For decades the industry, media and medical fraternity have presented cholesterol and fat as the single cause for arteriosclerosis and thus as the main factor for cardiovascular diseases. Huge profits are harvested with pharmaceutical cholesterol reducers, but the population never gets to known anything about the dangerous side effects of these medications.
Saturday, November 5th 2016, 9:00 am to 6:30 pm
You are a genius!
The latest findings from brain research spur your grey matter onto new peaks
You were either born brainy or perhaps just a dim light but is that that for the rest of your life? No Way! From the field of neuroplasticity, a fascinating area of neurobiology, it is known that synapses, nerve cells, even whole brain areas can continuously change their function and their anatomy depending on how they are used throughout life. With visionary learning and thinking strategies like Image Streaming everyone can become a genius. Advance into new spheres in this three-part workshop!

Senior advisor, coach and certified trainer in the “Image Streaming Methodology“, Hitzkirch, Switzerland
The digitalisation of society and its consequences
Life without the internet: Almost unimaginable for us. But how did digitalisation change our society? Why do more and more people “get lost” on the internet? What effects do social media have on the brain development of our children? Is there a connection between the use of digital media and the rapid expansion of speaking and learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, stress and the increasing propensity to violence of children and adolescents? Learn why action is urgently needed and how these modern technologies can be handled responsibly.

The Unconscious Power of Music
Music comforts, heals, energises, calms, stimulates. But just as music has the potential to raise up, it can also debase, even destroy. Why does music have such a powerful positive or negative effect? How does the omnipresent acoustic irradiation affect us? Can music be used to manipulate? Is there such a thing like “violent music”? Is the loss of moral values and an increase in crime in any way connected to music? What is music in the first place and how can it be used for the good of the people?

Certified mathematician and music teacher, Werl, Germany

Management consultant and farmer, Sassofortino, Italy
Sunday, November 6th 2016, 9:30 am to 1:00 pm
Climate farming – For healthy soils and pure drinking water
Today’s industrialised agriculture creates sheer “agricultural deserts” through the wrong maxim of “Ever bigger, ever faster, ever cheaper”. But healthy soils and the pure drinking water filtered through them form the basis of all life. Only the small, flexible, local, rural agriculture possesses the corresponding sustainable solutions in order to help the soils recover. For example, climate farming with biochar: It increases the humus content and thus the fertility of the soil and in this way positively influences the soils, water, climate and foods – in short, the entire ecosystem.

Farmer, Farm Arbach, Baar, Switzerland
Our Vision and Commitment for a Healthy Planet – The Natural Way!
Congress Schedule
Program | Registration | |
Thursday, November 3rd 2016 | 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm | starting 3:00 pm to 6:45 pm |
Friday, November 4th 2016 | 9:00 am to 6:30 pm | starting 8:00 am to 8:45 am |
Saturday, November 5th 2016 | 9:00 am to 6:30 pm | starting 8:00 am to 8:45 am |
Sunday, November 6th 2016 | 9:30 am to 1:00 pm |
The hotel will be entirely smoke-free for the duration of the Congress!
Maritim Hotel
Basteistraße 40
89073 Ulm, Germany
Hotel and travel information (PDF)
Simultaneous into English, German, Spanish, Czech and Russian
Do you have any questions?
We are happy to help you!
- Contact form
- +41(41)798-0398
Congress fee
Entire congress | 1 day | |
Individual Registration | € 350 | € 150 |
“65+” (Golden Old‘un) | € 240 | € 95 |
Married Couple (Attending together) | € 490 | € 210 |
University / College Students | € 120 | € 50 |
Adolescents / scholars | € 95 | € 35 |
You can also find all information about the program and the congress dates in our congress brochure for download or to print out: