
On this page you will find articles on the various topics that The World Foundation for Natural Science is concerned with in order to restore Natural Order on our precious planet Earth. At the same time we also would like to share positive motivating information with you which shows that in many areas necessary rethinking is occurring. In order to advance this shift of consciousness even further, it takes every single one of us. Therefore, we invite you to share this information with your friends and acquaintances, too.

The Health Risks of Face Masks

Many countries have made it law that in certain environments, such as public transport, that people must wear face masks to protect against the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. How beneficial is this in protecting you? Are there health risks in doing so? In a World Health Organisation (WHO) funded study, published in The Lancet , it […] Read on...

Digital natives – the lost generation? – Part 2 of 2

Children and adolescents today grow up in the field of two conflicting worlds: the real and the digital one (see also Part I of this article).Although new media offer opportunities, dealing with them is difficult for children and poses completely new challenges especially for teachers, educators and parents. The couple Winfried and Astrid Brüning, who […] Read on...

Digital natives – the lost generation? – Part 1 of 2

Young people born after 1980 are often referred to as “digital natives” in academic literature, because they grew up with computers and the Internet just as naturally as other generations did with water, electricity and later the television. “The term digital native is derived from the term native speaker and illustrates the fact that one […] Read on...

SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: should you get one, every year? – Part 2 of 2

COVID vaccine trial data – five major vaccines under development The publication of data from vaccine trials for Covid-19 is not as transparent as it should be. We are told in the mainstream media that vaccines are safe but we are not shown the data. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is reported as 90% effective and safe, […] Read on...

SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: should you get one, every year? – Part 1 of 2

“Vaccination is a barbarous practice, and it is one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time, not to be found even among the so-called savage races of the world. Its supporters are not content with its adoption by those who have no objection to it, but seek to impose it […] Read on...

Covid-19: Homeopathy for Therapy And Prevention

Covid-19 still seems to have the world under control and it is still claimed that only a vaccine could finally get us out of the crisis. But is that really so? Is there really no other way? Could perhaps an alternative form of medicine such as Classical Homeopathy, developed by Samuel Hahnemann a good 250 […] Read on...

Are vaccinations really the only way to protect humanity from pandemics?

The corona pandemic is leaving clear traces in society, the economy and medicine—and also in the consciousness and social interaction of people. Some people are beginning to question complex contexts, many are relying solely on the statements of official agencies and media reports, and yet others linger entirely in fear of the pathogen, the disease […] Read on...

World Oceans Day – 8 June

World Oceans Day, which has been celebrated on 8 June since 2009, unites and rallies the world to protect and restore our shared oceans. On this day the people around our blue planet celebrate and honour the oceans that connect us all. The day is a reminder of how essential and worthy of protection the […] Read on...

How the fifth generation wireless standard 5G contributes to the corona pandemic

Almost simultaneously with the worldwide introduction of 5G, the new corona virus has spread to become a global pandemic. A coincidence? No, everything obeys the natural law of cause and effect. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at these two “modern evils”. Health effects of microwave radiation “Various studies suggest that 5G […] Read on...

E-Learning or still better Old School?

In many countries of the world, schools are still closed and home schooling is on the agenda. E-learning has now made its entrance in most families. Only a few schools provide their students with analogue learning material and E-learning is celebrated as the means of choice and state of the art in this time of […] Read on...