
On this page you will find articles on the various topics that The World Foundation for Natural Science is concerned with in order to restore Natural Order on our precious planet Earth. At the same time we also would like to share positive motivating information with you which shows that in many areas necessary rethinking is occurring. In order to advance this shift of consciousness even further, it takes every single one of us. Therefore, we invite you to share this information with your friends and acquaintances, too.

Coronavirus and 5G

The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was first detected in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan, Province of Hubei. The virus spread quickly from China to South Korea and Italy and finally throughout the world. Interestingly, the geographic spread and the severity of the disease matches the “route” of 5G. For example, the highest death rates […] Read on...

What is health?

Is there anything that prevents you from living in a way that corresponds to your authentic, vital self-expression? If so, what exactly is this “something”? What do you love and commend about yourself? What is missing in your life? What do you appreciate about your life? Do you feel that your work is in accord […] Read on...

Coronavirus: How can you prevent getting ill?

The world is literally under the spell of the many different and sometimes contradictory reports about the spreading of the coronavirus. Governments have issued various protective measures and implemented restrictive orders for the population, but the importance of effective prevention and the appropriate strengthening of the immune system, which should always be given attention in […] Read on...

Congress 2019 – Review

Review of The 24th International “New Scientific Outlook” World Congress Thursday, October 31st, to Sunday, November 3rd 2019     Watch the lectures here The Burden of Loneliness Why togetherness and caring for each other is essential for us The Very Reverend Dean em. Paul PROBST, SF, European President, The World Foundation for Natural Science, Lucerne, […] Read on...

India will ban single-use plastic

A 2015 study by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) surveyed 60 cities of India and estimated that in 2011-12 India generated approx. 26.000 tons of plastic waste daily. This is why India, the second most populous country in the world, will ban single-use plastic from 2 October, 2019. Single-use plastics (SUPs) are those that […] Read on...

President Trump moves to ban flavoured e-cigarettes

With 450 young adults hospitalised in only a few weeks across the United States because of severe lung infections caused by vaping, regulators are now moving against the vaping industry. It is widely recognised that electronic cigarettes such as Juul are attractive to teenagers wherever they are sold. These products look like high tech and […] Read on...

E-cigarettes causing severe pulmonary disease

The American health agency, the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) as well as the FDA and local health authorities, have warned against e-cigarette use as 215 cases of severe pulmonary disease are reported across the United States. Notably, the CDC reports that many people affected stated they used e-cigarette products with liquids that contain cannabinoid […] Read on...

Plastic Rain

Plastic waste is now so ubiquitous that not only are our oceans filled with it, but plastic particles have now been detected in the air high up on the Rocky Mountains of the United States, falling with the rain. How did it get there? Plastic micro-particles are so small they can be carried in water […] Read on...

Electronic cigarettes damage brain stem cells

Electronic cigarettes are very popular among the younger generation and have been promoted by producers and some governments as safer than tobacco. Indeed, some governments claim e-cigarettes are almost harmless. However, the weight of evidence is now stacked up showing this is not true. Study after study continue to show that e-cigarette vapour is harmful […] Read on...

Planting One Trillion Trees Will Help Solve Climate Change

Trees are incredible! They provide us with air to breathe and absorb carbon dioxide in return. A new study from ETH Zurich shows that if there are one trillion trees planted globally on land that is already available for this, then the so-called global climate crisis could be averted. Planting trees is cheaper and much […] Read on...