How does life come into being? Have you ever wondered how a seed can become a plant? How does a cell know what its properties are and, above all, where it belongs? Who or what tells the plant what it should look like? The origin of life and the growth of a living being […] Read on...
Focus on Microwaves & Mobile communications
World Water Day 2021
Man needs two essential things for his or her survival and for health: air (that is, oxygen) and water. Regular access to clean water has been a recognized human right for over a decade. Despite this, to date one-in-three people on the planet do not have clean water. Have you ever wondered what you would […] Read on...
Animals and plants under radiation stress
In this presentation from our video series “How artificial electromagnetic radiation harms life”, the focus is on plants, and animals from mammals to birds and insects. The video uses a variety of research results to explain how continuous radiation affects animals and plants. It also shows why the new wireless standard 5G in particular will […] Read on...
Digital natives – the lost generation? – Part 2 of 2
Children and adolescents today grow up in the field of two conflicting worlds: the real and the digital one (see also Part I of this article).Although new media offer opportunities, dealing with them is difficult for children and poses completely new challenges especially for teachers, educators and parents. The couple Winfried and Astrid Brüning, who […] Read on...
Digital natives – the lost generation? – Part 1 of 2
Young people born after 1980 are often referred to as “digital natives” in academic literature, because they grew up with computers and the Internet just as naturally as other generations did with water, electricity and later the television. “The term digital native is derived from the term native speaker and illustrates the fact that one […] Read on...
How the fifth generation wireless standard 5G contributes to the corona pandemic
Almost simultaneously with the worldwide introduction of 5G, the new corona virus has spread to become a global pandemic. A coincidence? No, everything obeys the natural law of cause and effect. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at these two “modern evils”. Health effects of microwave radiation “Various studies suggest that 5G […] Read on...
How to reduce radiation exposure in the home office
Are you among the many thousands of people who all of a sudden have to work or learn from home? Or is it rather a “may” for you? As we have already pointed out earlier, the best prophylaxis against illness is a strong immune system. However, high-frequency radiation from smartphones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth headset etc. weakens […] Read on...
Coronavirus and 5G
The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was first detected in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan, Province of Hubei. The virus spread quickly from China to South Korea and Italy and finally throughout the world. Interestingly, the geographic spread and the severity of the disease matches the “route” of 5G. For example, the highest death rates […] Read on...
Congress 2019 – Review
Review of The 24th International “New Scientific Outlook” World Congress Thursday, October 31st, to Sunday, November 3rd 2019 Watch the lectures here The Burden of Loneliness Why togetherness and caring for each other is essential for us The Very Reverend Dean em. Paul PROBST, SF, European President, The World Foundation for Natural Science, Lucerne, […] Read on...
5G blocked in Brussels
Brussels, the seat of the European Union, has halted the roll out of 5G, the next generation mobile communications standard, because of recognised risks to health. The Brussels Environment Minister has blocked the roll out of 5G in her city because she recognises the lack of evidence that 5G will cause no harm to life. […] Read on...