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Fact sheet

In the past, hunting wild animals as well as gathering fruit helped man to survive. However, the times when we had to hunt in order to feed ourselves are long gone. Today, there are very few people who depend on hunting for their livelihoods. Nevertheless, wild animals are still hunted worldwide, partly as a cruel leisure activity and partly for so-called ecological reasons. On closer inspection, however, hunting turns out to be the cause of the very problems it pretends to solve.

Fact sheet

We can no longer imagine our everyday lives without the deployment and use of computers and computer-controlled machines. Application possibilities of these technical devices are becoming more and more diverse
through the use of so-called “Artificial Intelligence”(AI). With this, our dependence on technology is also growing, as is its influence on our communication and education, on decision-making and lifestyle. The application of artificial intelligence holds opportunities, but also risks, and a discussion about the responsible and ethical use of it is needed urgently.


Earth Day provides the occasion to connect with Mother Earth in a calm way and to become aware of what Nature gifts us day in and day out. Nature’s bounty has no limits, and we are still far from having experienced and explored everything.


Every year, Nature presents us anew with gifts. Do we take this for granted? In all cultures, we are aware that a rich harvest is not only due to human diligence, effort and knowledge.


In this presentation from our video series "How artificial electromagnetic radiation harms life", the focus is on plants, and animals from mammals to birds and insects. The video uses a variety of research results to explain how continuous radiation affects animals and plants. It also shows why the new wireless standard 5G in particular will significantly increase exposure.


A massive mortality of bees and insects has been observed all over the world for several years. For example, in the last 10 years the annual colony losses of honey bees in Germany, Austria and Switzerland ranged between 10 % and 30 %. In America, losses of up to 80 % were recorded in certain years in some places. Science calls this phenomenon “Colony Collapse Disorder” (CCD). However, none of the known influencing factors such as the varroa mite, pesticides or food shortages due to environmental changes convincingly contribute to the unusually high losses of bee colonies. It is mobile phone radiation that disrupts basic processes of the immune system, of orientation and communication and increases the harmful effects of other factors significantly.


If there is a lack of movement, something comes to a standstill. This applies not only to the physical level, but also to our thoughts and feelings. Gabriela Baumann talks about the “tree of life” in the human being, and how breathing and posture affect our feelings and general health. Those who do not practice regularly certain activities lose the ability to do so. Your body speaks to you—a guide to listening.


For people, relationships, partnership, family, friendships, bonding, compassion and communication are of such immense importance that we react strongly to a lack or even absence of them. The “symptoms” range from a cold to high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, cancer, mental illness and death. What can we do about loneliness that more and more people are suffering from?


No other place in Europe produces more plastic than Germany. But it is not so difficult to escape the packaging madness. Find out how plastic affects the environment and our health and what you can do to stop the flood of plastic. Because “nobody has to buy plastic, you just have to know the alternatives – and that is not as complicated as many think.”


We live in a much polluted world. Studies and experience show that the body’s own metabolic toxins and waste products as well as toxins absorbed from the environment can cause damage to the body. This is why the detoxification of our body, its organs and tissues is more important than ever today. The liver and the intestines play an especially central role. How do we support these excretory organs so that toxins can be eliminated in a targeted and safe way?


From the promise to build houses that make us healthy, a model has emerged in the last 25 years which changes the construction industry with explosive power. The lecture shows possibilities that open up to us when we build using the gifts of nature and dispense with chemicals. Real wooden houses do not consume energy and are the healthiest for us and the environment. We can look ahead with joy because there is no future but only the potential of the present.


How does our body deal with mobile phone radiation? Is it possible to easily recognise the effect of technical radiation on natural systems? Does radiation change water, the element on which all life is based? How do animals and plants react?Denise Ulrich pursued this question with experiments in her own laboratory. Her findings provide clear answers and show that the solution is simple.


The wireless telephone at work, the smartphone in your pocket, WLAN and smart meter at home—and now the new 5G mobile communications standard all mean that exposure to electromagnetic radiation is constantly increasing. But how harmful is the radiation really? Do the international limits offer sufficient protection? Who wants 5G? And what is new about it? Franz Ulrich explains the downside of mobile phone communication without scaremongering and points out concrete options for action in everyday life.


8.3 billion tons—that is how much plastic has been produced worldwide since 1950, half of it in the last 13 years alone. But of all this plastic, only about 30 % is still in use, while the rest has been disposed of. For although 99 % of plastics are produced from the valuable and non-renewable resources of oil, natural gas and coal, plastic has become a cheap disposable product. 95 % of plastic packaging is used only once, after only one month half of the plastic has become waste. Of the approximately 6.3 billion tons of plastic discarded so far, only 9 % has been recycled (mostly downcycling to lower quality products), and 12 % has been incinerated, but 79 % has ended up in landfills or in the environment.


The seas and oceans connect all life on this planet. Therefore, let’s make a joint effort, so that future generations may also feed on the bounty of the sea and enjoy its beauty!


True healing requires promoting and maintaining, whenever possible, a balanced life in body, mind, soul, emotions and feelings. Because of the close relationship between the two species—man and animal—it is therefore equally important that we look after our animal friends the same way we should care for our own lives and health. And to achieve and maintain health in us, man needs to first ‘heal’ himself the holistic way, and then to give our animals the same attention and care. Everything we think, feel and do affects our animals equally, simply because everything in life is connected. The inescapable conclusion therefore is to do everything we possibly can to keep our lives in balance!


Urban Agriculture is giving us the answers to nourish ourselves with healthy, organic, GMO and GE free produce, free of pesticides and other agro-toxins otherwise contained without exception in our foods bought at the supermarkets and even the grocer. The individual citizen, who decides to have his own little allotment wherever he lives, not only develops a more direct relationship with Nature and begins to appreciate Nature in a new way, but he can grow up to 20 Kg of produce yearly on a patch as small as one square metre. Additionally, urban farming is far more economic, opposed to big agro production. Without a doubt, Urban Agriculture is a way of life to be seriously considered and highly recommended for a healthier life.

Fact sheet

Some but not all governments in Western countries are making efforts to regulate the rise of e-cigarettes, especially as more and more studies emerge showing how harmful e-cigarettes are, how addictive they are, how they don’t help smokers quit and how they act as a gateway to cigarettes! But teenagers and young adults especially are still taking to vaping in the false believe they are harmless and not addictive. This Fact Sheet presents a summary of the evidence and presents steps that can be taken to prevent the rise of the electronic cigarettes, the new tobacco.


Do you think electronic cigarettes are healthy? They may look cool and trendy, what with the newer generation pods that look like computer flash drives! Juul, Logic, myBlu, MYLE, PHIX etcetera all look really high tech but are they safe? Juul has been labelled the iPhone of e-cigarettes and its uptake in the United States is in part to its looks. Electronic cigarette use has increased by 78 % in just one year in high schools where 3 million kids now vape; that’s 1-in-5 teenagers! The US Food and Drugs Administration has declared vaping an “epidemic“ and has threatened strong sanctions against e-cigarette companies, especially Juul.


The latest fifth generation wireless standard—known as 5G—is to be introduced nationwide and throughout the world in the coming years. Compared to today, there would be an almost unbelievable increase in the possible data volume by a factor of 100! Nobody knows what these innovations mean for the health of humans, animals and nature—experience is simply missing. However, the signs are that a storm is brewing: Already with today‘s wireless technology, countless studies and practical examples show that wireless technology triggers headaches, tinnitus, problems with concentration and sleep.


Cannabis, the biological name for the hemp plant, is generally perceived as a “soft drug” with negligible, reversible side effects that are non-addictive and do not pose a threat to others. What is more, cannabis is a potent medicinal herb that is said to work wonders for cancer, multiple sclerosis, pain, epilepsy, sleeping disorders and many other diseases and ailments. And while it is true that cannabis is a precious, versatile plant and definitely has medical potential, it is by no means harmless, in particular for the age group with the highest consumption—the youth—it can be dangerous.


Man is a social being by his very nature, and most of us thrive better when we cultivate friendships. These days, however, with the ‘social media’ frenzy having become so popular worldwide and inundating our lives in a sick way, the Social Media have silently replaced the satisfaction of the need for a sense of belonging—so it appears. But under no circumstances can these virtual relationships replace the direct human contact. All social media interfere profoundly with our lives. Gradually, our natural perception of life is fading and our discernment contaminated, disconnecting the users from the authentic, real life to give precedence to the unnatural, unhealthy virtual reality.


Sugar is just as much an addictive factor as it is food, and has deep-reaching consequences for a healthy life. Many lifestyle diseases, from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis, chronic inflammation, higher susceptibility to infections, to cancer, obesity and metabolic disorders, are associated with the enormous consumption of carbohydrates and sugar. The answer to satisfy a sweet tooth is simple and easy, and is being presented to you here.


Although addictions can differ considerably, from alcohol and drugs, to internet addiction, one can still find common roots. From a biological as well as a psycho-social point of view, there are factors supporting the development of addiction and those protecting against it. Only an understanding of these factors enables us to prevent addictive disorders or to care adequately for those persons concerned.


Man is an electromagnetic living being, perceiving his electromagnetic environment in an electromagnetic way and communicating with it. Bioelectricity is the foundation of all life. When it gets out of balance or is extinguished completely, then life is extinguished, too. Our lives are affected ever more strongly by devices using technically generated electromagnetic radiation to dominate us with ever more unnecessary information. Man and man alone determines when to actively give Nature what she needs to be back in balance!


More than 6 million deaths per year worldwide are caused by smoking, despite its noxious effects being well-known. This number of preventable deaths worldwide is on the rise daily, as smoking is recklessly promoted in Third World Countries, Asia and is rampant in schools of all levels. In some wealthier nations, tobacco smoking has recently seen a slight decline, but now electronic smoking is positioning itself to justify smoking once again. Electronic cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco devices are being promoted to be up to 95% safer than tobacco. Devil in disguise?!

Special report

On 14 May 1993 the 46th World Health Conference, the highest authority of the World Health Organisation (WHO), passed a historic resolution in the Palace of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. It obliges the WHO to apply for an experts’ report from the International Court of Justice on the legal status of the use of nuclear weapons. After the General Assembly of the United Nations had adopted this significant resolution 49/75 K on 15 December 1994 the former Secretary-General of the UN Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali filed to submit to the Court, for advisory opinion, the following question: “Is the threat or use of nuclear weapons in any circumstances permitted under international law?” The resolution asked the Court to render its advisory opinion “urgently.” On 2 February 1995 the International Court of Justice issued a communiqué by which the Member States as well as the legitimate international organizations have been required to furnish information on the question. As an international organisation The World Foundation for Natural Science felt obliged to file a written statement to the International Court of Justice and, in doing so, stand up for the future of all life on this unique planet.


Birds, butterflies, crawling creatures and all the other animals are just as much a part of creation as we are. When we have learned that by harming any living being, we are doing the same to ourselves, then we will certainly not kill or cause any creature, brought forth by The Creator, to suffer any pain. We have a responsibility for all living creatures and all life in nature. This empowers us to love, to protect and to nurture, but not to abuse them for scientific experiments.


Dis-eases and sicknesses (such as cancer) do not occur by accident, fate, or as some even believe as punishment by God. They develop gradually as the result of a natural reaction of our body when our life is no longer in balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The cause of dis-harmony in man is often what we call ‘stress’.


Insects and their close relations represent more than 60% of the biological diversity of species on our planet. Accordingly, they fulfill important tasks in our ecosystems such as being pollinators of flowers and building the soil. Birds also are indispensable links in nature, and they are directly dependent on insects in the food chain. But the familiar humming of insects and singing of birds in Spring is diminishing each year and is in danger of falling silent.


The oceans are the greatest water reservoir of the Earth and the fish of the oceans are the main source of nourishment for one billion people. However, the oceans today are far from being intact and clean. They and all the life within them are in great distress. On a daily basis we are poisoning this unique world more and more with stuff from our everyday lives that we no longer want, use excessively or use without thinking about the consequences. Are we even aware of this? We need the oceans and the oceans need us!


Induction hobs are practical, energy-saving and are are replacing the conventional electric stove or gas cooker all over the world. But they have a serious drawback: the magnetic field generated by the cooking is harmful to health, which is why even the authorities counsel caution. In addition, it is suggested that by cooking with an induction stove the life energy of the cooked food is weakened or even destroyed.


Water has so many different abilities and properties unlike any other element. It transports, conducts, cools, warms, cleans, informs, nourishes, absorbs, heals and quenches the thirst. Water is the basis of our lives and we are destroying it. When water is polluted and full of garbage, then the planet is ill and so are we.


Cosmetics, in contrast to technical products, enjoy the privilege of not having to have hazard warning labels. Thus, it is nearly impossible to discern which products are recommended as better for the body and are environmentally friendly. Meanwhile more pollutants are processed than nurturing ingredients, and politics is the happy pal playing its part for big industry.


More and more people take painkillers, sedatives, psychotropic drugs, stimulants and laxatives or whatever they hope is going to give them relief when they are in distress. Often these people get into a vicious cycle of dependency and long-term physical or psychological damage. Case studies show that natural remedies have lasting success, without harming the body.


Have you ever heard of the Banerji protocol? For three generations, the Indian medical family Banerji in Kolkata has treated countless people with standardized protocols developed from Hahnemann‘s homeopathy. Due to the immense number of treatments, effective application recipes for almost all conceivable diseases have emerged over the years.


The human musculoskeletal system is on everyone’s lips as a topic. These problems not only arise due to lifestyle-related postural damage but also because of accidents and falls, especially in childhood – or even through pressure and pull before and during birth. Gonstead Chiropractic helps with a very targeted analysis and great sensitivity applied through the fingertips to start the healing process in the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system again.

Fact sheet

At present, mankind is aware of 1.4 million species of living organisms on Earth. Insects, arachnids and crustaceans account for 61% of them. The insects and their close relatives thus account for the predominant part of the biodiversity of our planet and they take on important functions in our ecosystems. Already in 1962, the American biologist and science journalist Rachel Carson warned of an impending ‘Silent Spring‘, should the industrialization of agriculture progress unchecked. A spring without the familiar humming of bees, bumblebees, flies, beetles and without the cheerful song of birds. This scenario is now threatening to become reality, if we do not act immediately.


Today’s industrialised agriculture creates sheer “agricultural deserts” through the wrong maxim of “Ever bigger, ever faster, ever cheaper”. But healthy soils and the pure drinking water filtered through them form the basis of all life. Only the small, flexible, local, rural agriculture possesses the corresponding sustainable solutions in order to help the soils recover. For example, climate farming with biochar: It increases the humus content and thus the fertility of the soil and in this way positively influences the soils, water, climate and foods – in short, the entire ecosystem.


Life without the internet: Almost unimaginable for us. But how did digitalisation change our society? Why do more and more people "get lost" on the internet? What effects do social media have on the brain development of our children? Is there a connection between the use of digital media and the rapid expansion of speaking and learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, stress and the increasing propensity to violence of children and adolescents? Learn why action is urgently needed and how these modern technologies can be handled responsibly.


Glyconutrients are the real sugars, healthy ones! What is more: Glyconutrients are absolutely essential for every cell in our organism. Without them there is no accurate communication and no regulated biochemical reactions between the body's cells. Only when communication at the cellular level functions unobstructed is our body capable of delivering its self-healing powers and sustaining its own health.


Music comforts, heals, energises, calms, stimulates. But just as music has the potential to raise up, it can also debase, even destroy. Why does music have such a powerful positive or negative effect? How does the omnipresent acoustic irradiation affect us? Can music be used to manipulate? Is there such a thing as "violent music"? Is the loss of moral values and an increase in crime in any way connected to music? What is music in the first place and how can it be used for the good of the people?


For decades the industry, media and medical fraternity have presented cholesterol and fat as the single cause for arteriosclerosis and thus as the main factor for cardiovascular diseases. Huge profits are harvested with pharmaceutical cholesterol reducers, but the population never gets to know anything about the dangerous side effects of these medications.


Your health depends on your gut! Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride explains the mostly unknown relationship between your gut flora and various illnesses like: Allergies, chronic fatigue, autoimmune problems, autism, asthma, ADHD, ADD, learning disabilities, mental illnesses like depression and many others. Thousands of case studies show how healing becomes possible through common sense and traditional dietary convention.


There are more cigarette ends in the ocean then plastic bags! What is the real damage of the tabacco industry to the health of the planet. Millions have turned to electronic cigarettes as a saviour from the harm of tobacco. But are e-cigarettes really risk-free?


Compost that is richly permeated with living micro-organisms, becomes the source of life for vegetables, fruits, cereals and crops. It makes them resistant, prevents the absorption of radioactive radiation in root vegetables, and increases harvest yields.
In this presentation, the correct procedure of composting is explained step by step. Those who cannot make compost themselves, still have the possibility to achieve good results with compost extracts. Learn how you can use simple tools to check the food quality by yourselves.


All life is based on electromagnetism. Man-made microwave radiation (caused by the worldwide proliferation of devices such as mobile phones, which are literally placed in our children’s cradles, Wi-Fi, cordless phones and microwave ovens) uses the same frequency range which nature, and even our body cells, use for communication! This artificially created radiation destroys all vital processes and threatens ALL natural life. Hear about solutions of how to protect mankind, animals and nature.


Already 90% of all baby food and 80% of all processed food is genetically modified. Genetically modified substances can be found in corn and soya seeds, and just as frequently in animal food for dogs, cats, birds, cows and fish, as well as in our own food. The effects of genetically modified organisms have a disastrous potential – ranging from allergies to cancers and even death, causing tremendous damage. They unhinge the entire food chain. We show you what to pay attention to in order to have only natural, organic food on your plate.


Around the world the soil is in a disastrous condition, caused by industrialization and senseless use of pesticides. Predominantly profit-oriented and short-sighted thinking puts the soil Earth, the most significant foundation for our lives, not only at risk, but to a great extent it has already been lost. You are going to learn of solutions as to how each of us individually and we as a society in general can contribute to the soil’s ability to regenerate and also to produce “real food for life”.


Many physical and mental diseases and conditions–from depression to rheumatism and cancer–are directly related to the health of our teeth. We illustrate by way of examples why only natural food is beneficial for the health of our teeth, how chemicals have a detrimental effect and why it is necessary to clean our teeth with fluoride-free toothpaste.


Twenty-five thousand people in the EU alone die of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant germs each year. The incorrect application of synthetic antibiotics in agriculture has a part in this. These pharmaceuticals enter the groundwater through the animals’ natural excrements and finally land on our plate and in our daily food. This means that antibiotics no longer work for men and animals.


Birth is a God-given process! The caesarean—a troublemaker through and through. In the last 20 years the Caesarian section rate in our civilized world has more than doubled. However, it is the mother's choice of how to give birth that significantly affects the health of the newborn child. In contrast to a natural birth the passing on of vital micro-organisms from mother to child does not occur in a Caesarian section birth. Based on their personal experiences, Harman and Wakeford, accomplished parents both, share with us what happens during a natural birth and how a Caesarian can affect future generations. They tell us what can be done if a Caesarian section is unavoidable!


Commercially available UHT or pasteurised milk, which is severely degenerated by the manufacturing processes, is a strain on the human body and frequently triggers asthma, allergies and osteoporosis. However, raw milk from grass-fed, organic grazing cattle has the opposite effect. Raw milk is an essential, healthy and beneficial food. Recognise the characteristics of the true white refreshment!


A most interesting interview with scientist Barrie Trower about the dangers of Microwave Technology. Stunning information, which are deliberatly hold back by influent organizations, enterprises and Governments.