High-frequency pulsed microwave radiation interferes with the natural, electromagnetic, integrated network of water. Through this network, water is capable of absorbing, storing and transferring information. The electromagnetic hydrogen bonds, and thus the structure of water, are destabilised and water’s microbiology becomes unbalanced when microwaved.

Microwaves disturb the vital functions of water.
Hence, through today’s mobile communications technology used worldwide the entire water balance of the Earth and of all living organisms is compromised. This has drastic consequences, for without water there is no life. The human body consists of more than 70% water, in newborns the percentage of water is almost 90%. Water not only satisfies our thirst. In the human body it plays an important role in the information transfer in cells, it maintains metabolic processes, it is a binding agent for cell structures and is needed for the evacuation of waste products and poisons. All these natural abilities of water are disturbed by microwave technology – with corresponding consequences for the health of man and Nature.