Though mobile phones are convenient, they are anything but harmless to health due to their electromagnetic radiation. Children and adolescents are especially sensitive to microwave radiation. They have thinner cranial bones, a more susceptible nervous system, a less robust immune system and, since they are still growing, an increased cell division rate. That is why cell damage caused by radiation spreads much more quickly in their bodies.

In 2005 the Viennese Medical Chamber had already suggested that children under the age of 16 should not be using a mobile phone. The Medical Chamber joined with the recommendations of the British National Radiation Protection Board and the Danish Cancer Society. If you still cannot convince your child to go without a mobile phone, you can find further information on the handling of mobile phones in our brochure “Cell phones are out!”.
In this second presentation from our series "How artificial electromagnetic radiation harms life", the focus is on the fact that all life is electrical.
Parents are responsible for the healthy development of their children. In addition to creating a loving environment, this includes addressing questions about vaccination, healthy nutrition, beneficial toys, reasonable leisure activities and the social environment. In recent years, however, parents have had to deal more and more with questions about technology…
All life is based on electromagnetism. Man-made microwave radiation (caused by the worldwide proliferation of devices such as mobile phones, which are literally placed in our children’s cradles, Wi-Fi, cordless phones and microwave ovens) uses the same frequency range which nature, and even our body cells, use for communication! This artificially created radiation destroys all vital processes and threatens ALL natural life. Hear about solutions of how to protect mankind, animals and nature.
Fact sheet
Interview by Dr. Zac Cox, The World Foundation for Natural Science for England, of Mr. Barrie Trower, a globally recognized expert in the impact of wireless technologies on life.