For several years now, there have been reports all over the world of an unprecedented phenomenon: the disappearance of the bees. In America there has been a decline of around 30%-70%, depending on which state you are in. Similar observations have been made in Spain, Poland, Switzerland, Germany, India, New Zealand and other industrialised countries. The bees are simply not returning to their beehives, and are disappearing without a trace.

This sudden disappearance (known as ‘Colony Collapse Disorder‘ or CCD) cannot be satisfactorily explained by any of the currently known influencing factors such as intensive monoculture farming, pesticides, dressed or genetically manipulated seeds, illnesses or parasites like the Varroa mite.
However, various scientific studies show that there is a direct connection between the mysterious disappearance of the bee colonies and mobile phone radiation and the resulting disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field, which bees and other navigating creatures use for their orientation. At the same time the permanent, omnipresent mobile phone radiation weakens the bees‘ immune system – just as it weakens the human immune system – making them more susceptible to the Varroa mite, to viruses and to any kind of environmental influences, especially to unnatural influences such as pesticides and genetically modified plants. 
The food supply chain for humanity is acutely threatened by the disappearance of the bees, for about one third of all food worldwide and about 90% of the local fruit-bearing trees depend upon pollination via bees and other pollinating insects.
Practical tips for the preservation of the bees:
- Do not use any pesticides in your own garden.
- In your own garden, plant insect-pollinating native plants, and bear in mind that there should be manifold, permanent flowering from spring to autumn.
- Cut down on your use of wireless technologies… more

Please study our informative literature or visit one of our events and learn how to support the bees in their irreplaceable service. Our representatives will be happy to conduct a lecture in your vicinity or at your (beekeeper’s) association. You are also welcome to visit the apiary of one of our beekeepers.
In this presentation from our video series "How artificial electromagnetic radiation harms life", the focus is on plants, and animals from mammals to birds and insects. The video uses a variety of research results to explain how continuous radiation affects animals and plants. It also shows why the new wireless standard 5G in particular will significantly increase exposure.
A massive mortality of bees and insects has been observed all over the world for several years. For example, in the last 10 years the annual colony losses of honey bees in Germany, Austria and Switzerland ranged between 10 % and 30 %. In America, losses of up to 80 % were recorded in certain years in some places. Science calls this phenomenon “Colony Collapse Disorder” (CCD). However, none of the known influencing factors such as the varroa mite, pesticides or food shortages due to environmental changes convincingly contribute to the unusually high losses of bee colonies. It is mobile phone radiation that disrupts basic processes of the immune system, of orientation and communication and increases the harmful effects of other factors significantly.
Insects and their close relations represent more than 60% of the biological diversity of species on our planet. Accordingly, they fulfill important tasks in our ecosystems such as being pollinators of flowers and building the soil. Birds also are indispensable links in nature, and they are directly dependent on insects in the food chain. But the familiar humming of insects and singing of birds in Spring is diminishing each year and is in danger of falling silent.
Fact sheet
At present, mankind is aware of 1.4 million species of living organisms on Earth. Insects, arachnids and crustaceans account for 61% of them. The insects and their close relatives thus account for the predominant part of the biodiversity of our planet and they take on important functions in our ecosystems. Already in 1962, the American biologist and science journalist Rachel Carson warned of an impending ‘Silent Spring‘, should the industrialization of agriculture progress unchecked. A spring without the familiar humming of bees, bumblebees, flies, beetles and without the cheerful song of birds. This scenario is now threatening to become reality, if we do not act immediately.